
exhibitions BIG IDEASPolitical Ideologies and their Aftermath Sarri Elfaltouri, Soukaina Joual, Yoshinori Niwa, Kosta Tonev06/12/2020 – 30/01/2021 curated by Christine Bruckbauer and Elisabeth PiskernikVenue: philomena+ project room, vitrine and garden, Heinestraße 40/7, 1020 Vienna Kosta Tonev, Dolls, video still, © the artist The exhibition project BIG IDEAS deals with political ideologies and...

exhibitions CONTEMPORARY MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE How Visible May Or Should The Mosque Be In The European Cityscape?21/01 – 07/03/2020Opening and Round Table: Tuesday, 21/01/2020, 7pmMurat Arslan, Vice Chairman of the Islamic Cultural Center, 1020Uschi Lichtenegger, representative of the district LeopoldstadtGerhard Springer, architect of the Islamic Cultural Center Grazcurated...

exhibitions KNOTENTOPOLOGIE Férielle Doulain-Zouari & Bárbara Palomino-Ruiz 23/09 – 27/09/2020curated by Christine BruckbauerOpening: 22/09/2020, 5 – 10 pmVenue: philomena+ @ PARALLEL VIENNARudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, room #720Wed – Sun 12 am – 9  pm Férielle Doulain-Zouari and Bárbara Palomino-Ruiz, philomena+ 2020 ©  As every year, philomena+ is preparing its project statement in collaboration...

exhibitions MIND THE GAP! Sanae Arraqas & Manuela Picallo Gil  20/08 – 12/09/2020curated by Christine BruckbauerOpening: Thursday 20/08/2020, 7 pmResidency Sanae Arraqas: cancelled due to Covid-19Online Artists Talk: Friday, 11/09/2020, 6 pm, on ZOOM moderated by Janine Maria Schneider Venue: philomena+ project room, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna Sanae Arraqas,...