public art
06/04 – 31/07/2019
Story telling: 5 June 2019, 6pm
Special guests: Oscar Cueto (artist), Barbara Knickmann (botanical garden, university Vienna), Michael Kozelek (head of department of tree nursery in the Augarten), Brigitte Neubacher (gardener of wild plants, Strombad Kritzendorf)
Venue: front garden of philomena+, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna, Austria
People are invited to look at what doesn’t pretend to be yet another controlled little ‘garden’ on the sidewalk in front of philomena+, where wild and invasive/exotic plants will be put and can grow as they wish. Through these plants, notions around the history of their migration and later consequences on their environment will be addressed. And as people continually move, together with their plants, they are also invited to bring their own plant and tell its story.