publications+ exhibitions


The booklet presents the research process and artistic contributions for the exhibition OFF YOUR SHOES by Belhassen Handous, Joanna Pianka and Tomash Schoiswohl. It highlights the issues of the exhibition project from the common theme of shoes to the discussion of migration and border politics and brings them in an artistic editorial form, developed by Paola Boscaini and Cristina Materassi. Additionally to artworks and the visualization of the artistic process, the magazine also includes an introduction written by Paola Boscaini and extracts of a panel discussion on the topic of the externalization of EU-border politics with activists, researchers and journalists.

The booklet OFF YOUR SHOES is published as part of the new issue of Corrispondenze, a participation-based artistic editorial project that serves as both a physical space made of paper and a platform for the exchange and collective creation of visions concerning the concept of dwelling. The focus of this magazine issue lies on practices of archiving as a daily activity of preserving fragments of personal and collective memory. Corrispondenze: Archive will be developed in five parts during 2024. The first four booklets present the editorial transposition of four artistic projects, realised through a process of collaboration between the editors and the participants. The fifth volume offers a collection of texts analysing the theme from various perspectives.

published by: Corrispondenze

year: 2024
edited by: Paola Boscaini & Cristina Materassi

design: Paola Boscaini

authors: Belhassen Handous, Tomash Schoiswohl, Joanna Pianka
Proofreader: Ofelia Tondi
format: A4  
languages: English

price: 15,00 Euro