

Etemad Moghaddam

10/11 – 24/11/2018

curated by Negar Hakim

Mo & Tue 10am – 2pm, Fr 5pm – 8pm
Sat 11am – 5pm, or by arrangement +43-(0)664/1431453
Venue: philomena+ project room, Heinestr. 40, 1020 Vienna

Etemad Moghaddam, Improvisation in Lines, drawings © the architect

These works reflect the artistic spirit of an architect who is not always able to find a suitable canvas for his pictorial creations solely through the design of the architectural space. They are the expression of ideas that were often completely improvised in the artist’s mind and subsequently put on paper using a fountain pen. The concept of these works is based, on the one hand, on capturing the composing of form and, on the other hand, on the optical perception of space with regard to visual aspects. These drawings are the result of a search for complex structures created through lines and aim to deliver a new representation of a three-dimensional Form-Space on a two-dimensional image area.

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