
Blurred lines between art and architecture

Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler & Baharak Keshani 

26/11 – 22/12/2022

curated by Negar Hakim

co-curated by Christina Winkler and Hannah Fally


Artist Residency: Baharak Keshani cancelled due to visa issues

Opening: Fri, Nov. 25, 2022, 6 pm

Artist Talk: Sat, Dec. 17, 2022, 5 pm

Venue: philomena+ project room, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna

Extension – Please extend: © Christina Winkler & Hannah Fally

“When you stand in spaces, you stand in what is drawn; when you look at drawings, you look at created space.”

To this day the boundaries between art and architecture have been long disputed. While renowned architects such as Adolf Loos comments in one of his writings that “architecture is not art”, other architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright confront themselves and define “architecture as

the mother of art”.

Together with the architect Baharak Keshani (Tehran/Iran) and the artists Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler (Vienna/Austria), we too enter this discourse and test interfaces: When does the architectural sketch become an artistic drawing – the model becomes a sculpture? Is it “parameters” such as time, abstraction, feasibility that define boundaries or is it simply personal interpretation?


Baharak Keshani was born in Isfahan in 1971 and graduated from the School of Architecture (Isfahan, 1997). She began her work at Naqsh,e,Jahan-Pars (NJP), Isfahan Branch, (1990), following the Mirmiran style of architecture. She later moved to Tehran to continue her work at NJP and oversaw several major projects (e.g.: National Water Museum in Tehran, Tose'e Saderat Central Building in Tehran (Sepah), etc.) At that time, Leila Akbari, Leila Ghadim Zadeh and her formed the group "Rastak,e,Engareh va Naghsh" which was quite successful. But the many years of positive experience working on large projects at NJP brought her back there. At present, she continues her works and activities in different areas, such as in the field of design (without any limitation in terms of scale - from small objects to skyscrapers and even a city), in the field of art and research with a different perspective that she has gained through her many years of professional activity, while still struggling as an architect to survive and maintain her principles and ethics (such as sustainability in architecture).


The twin sisters were born in Vienna in 1964. Christine Hohenbüchler studied with Wander Bertoni at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Irene Hohenbüchler with Maria Lassnig, and they completed postgraduate studies at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht, NL. They have been working as a duo since the end of their studies and are interested in art production outside of given structures and cultural frameworks. In 1997 they exhibited at the documenta X, in 1999 they designed one of the Austrian contributions to the Venice Biennale. In the same year they designed the “Iron Curtain” for the Vienna State Opera. They have had solo exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum Bonn, the exhibition hall for contemporary art in Münster, the Kunsthalle Krems and the Belvedere Museum in Vienna. Christine Hohenbüchler heads the Institute for Art and Design at the Vienna University of Technology. Irene Hohenbüchler holds a professorship for cooperative strategies at the Münster Art Academy.



Born in Isfahan/Iran, studied art history at the University of Vienna. She is on the editorial board of Memar Magazine and Kunst und Kirche and has acted as co-editor of several other art and architecture magazines in the Middle East. Negar Hakim does intercultural consulting in art and architecture between Europe and WANA region. Together with Christine Bruckbauer founded she philomena+ in 2016, a platform for artistic collaboration between artists from West Asia, North Africa and Austria. She is curator, and organises transregional workshops, seminars and study trips, and has been a jury member for various architectural competitions. Currently she is also a Univ. Ass. (PostDoc) at the TU Wien, with a focus on non-European architecture.

Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler, Räume im Raum Bonn, 2018, installation with wood and drawings © David Ertl

Baharak Keshani, From Plan to Space (detail), 2022, ink drawing © Baharak Keshani

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