public art


Oscar Cueto 

01/06 – 31/07/2019

Opening: Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 7pm

Venue: front garden of philomena+, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Oscar Cueto, drawing on paper © the artist

Oscar Cueto creates with five red hammocks a resting and relaxation zone on the wide pavement in front of the philomena+ project space. With the title he refers to Paul Lafargue, who draws attention to “The Right to be Lazy” in a workaholic, industrialized society. The star-shaped arrangement around a light pole and the red colour of the installation refers to the flower to which Oscar Cueto has dedicated a two-year research project.


(*1976, lives and works in Vienna) studied TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. In his artistic work he explores historiography and reflects on the mechanisms that construct the concepts of historicity, knowledge, memory and identity. He often processes the themes as fictions in the form of participatory installations.


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