Imran Channa & Kateryna Lysovenko
10/11 – 31/12/2024
curated by Christine Bruckbauer
Opening: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 6 pm
Exhibition duration: 10/11 – 31/12/2024
Vienna Art Week Tour: Friday, November 15, 2024
Venue: philomena+ project room, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna
The exhibition is part of the Vienna Art Week 2024.
Based on the architecture of decommissioned nuclear power plants, Imran Channa and Kateryna Lysovenko research the post-anthropogenic landscape. Human desire and technological development show the consequences on the biosphere, causing devastation and the disappearance of many creatures. Using artificial intelligence, digital software as well as large-scale analogue drawing and painting, Imran Channa and Kateryna Lysovenko create ‘A Fable for Tomorrow’, – a new landscape from which humans have disappeared, but where seeds of new life are emerging.