
public art #1 THE ASSEMBLY PLANT'S OBSERVATION IN THE URBAN SPHERE 06/04 – 31/07/2019Story telling: 5 June 2019, 6pmSpecial guests: Oscar Cueto (artist), Barbara Knickmann (botanical garden, university Vienna), Michael Kozelek (head of department of tree nursery in the Augarten), Brigitte Neubacher (gardener of wild plants, Strombad Kritzendorf)Venue: front...

public art THE RIGHT TO BE LAZY Oscar Cueto 01/06 – 31/07/2019Opening: Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 7pmVenue: front garden of philomena+, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna, Austria Oscar Cueto, drawing on paper © the artistOscar Cueto creates with five red hammocks a resting and relaxation zone on the wide pavement in front...

public art MIRRORED MUSIC – SOCIETY PIECES GoGo! Michael Baumgartner & Omid Darvish  09/10/ – 11/10/2019curated by Christine Bruckbauermirror sculpture by Michael Baumgartner, visual artistperformer: Omid Darvish, singersound design: Reza Tavakoliperformances: daily at 8:30 am and 4:30 amVenue: Hauptbahnhof Wien, main hall, at the entrance from the Südtirolerplatz Michael Baumgartner © the artistIn...