
round table HOW VISIBLE MAY OR SHOULD THE MOSQUE BE IN THE EUROPEAN CITYSCAPE ? participants: Murat Arslan, Uschi Lichtenegger, Gerhard Springer moderated by Negar Hakim Tuesday, 21/01/2020, 7pmphilomena+ project room, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna Gerhard Springer, Islamisches Kulturzentrum Graz, 2012–2020, © the architectRound table as a part of the exhibition Contemporary Mosque Buildings,...

events philomena+ loves to blur boundaries and invites regularly experts from different disciplines, like musicians, authors, politicians, natural scientists etc. to enrich and to delve deeper into the topics of our (visual) art projects.  ...

online artist talk TRAFIK MIND THE GAP Sanae Arraqas & Manuela Picallo GilFriday, 11/09/2020, 6 pm, on ZOOM moderated by Janine Maria Schneider Sanae Arraqas, Manuela Picallo Gil, “Mind the Gap II”, 2020, acrylic on aquarelle painting, 148 x 210 mm © philomena+In the context of the exhibition MIND THE GAP! which aims...

exhibitions philomena+ exhibition projects involve artists and architects from the WANA region and Austria. They are conceived collaboratively and usually focus on global social issues.  ...

performances TAZEEN QAYYUM & MARWAN ABADO music drawing performance Friday, 16/10/2020, 7:30 pmVenue: Brunnenpassage, Brunnengasse 71/Yppenplatz, 1160 Vienna Tazeen Qayyum, 2020 © philomena+Primarily trained as a miniature painter of the Persian and South Asian tradition, Tazeen Qayyum continues to explore new materials and processes through mediums such as drawing, installation, sculpture, video...

performances, talks HOW TO QUEER A PHOTO STUDIO? Performative Intervention by guest artist Veronika Merklein Ruby Sircar in conversation with Lisa Großkopf, Veronika Merklein and Shiri RozenbergFriday, 22/11/2019, 5 pmVenue: philomena+ showcase, Heinestraße 40/7, 1020 Vienna © Shiri RozenbergThe talk “How To Queer A Photo Studio?” focusses on the artists’...

talks, performances BILDUNSROMAN Chapter III "Queen of Saba a.k.a. βασίλισσατουνότου" Enricco FloriddiaTuesday, February 26, 2019, 7pmVenue: philomena+, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna Enrico Floriddia © philomena+In a series of performative lectures with four chapters Enrico Floriddia presents his recent project Bildungsroman, an artistic research on the life of Eduard Glaser...

publications philomena+ publishes books in order to document public art and exhibition projects. They deal with current topics related to contemporary art and architecture. Additionally philomena+ collaborates with other publishers on editorial projects in relation to its programming  ...

artist residencies The philomena+ artist-in-residence programme brings artists together and gives them the opportunity to get to know each other and ideally, to realize a collaborative project. WANA artists invited by philomena+ are usually paired up with a Viennese “buddy artist", to foster personal and artistic exchange. ...